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Why Financial Planning

We all have many responsibilities and goals in our lives. We have dreams and aspirations for a better future. But quite often we are not sure as to how we will fulfill these goals and aspirations. Life changes over time. We may never be sure what today holds for us tomorrow. What if something goes wrong? How do we make sure that we get what we wish?

A comprehensive Financial Plan is what you need. At Innovative we offer you with Comprehensive Financial Planning solutions which would involve:

A detailed study of your goals
Preparation of a comprehensive Financial Plan
Monitoring of the Financial Plan on an on-going basis

Financial planning is not about one time asset allocation: it is an ongoing process that requires taking a view of your all your financial transactions and situation. It takes a holistic look at your finances currently: it takes into account your incomes and expenses as also your starting net worth. It then projects your financial situation going forward and helps you make financially prudent decisions on the way!

Why Clients do not plan?

THERE ARE MANY REASONS why clients may not undertake financial planning on their own, including the following:

Thinking they have insufficient assets or income to warrant planning
Assuming their financial situation is in good order
Putting off what is complex and worrisome
Not wanting to consider unpleasant events, such as death, disability, unemployment or property loss
Thinking Financial Planning is expensive

ALL these Assumptions are FALSE. Of course, failing to plan also COSTS Money.

Consequences of Not Planning include the following

Inadequate Protection against personal catastrophes such as death, accident, serious
illness or other major negative events
To little money set aside for retirement
Not reaching Financial goals in life
Higher than necessary income taxation